Wednesday, January 25, 2017

I am walking in victory while praying through circumstances.

Monday I was talking to a friend about my life in regards to my prodigal, and God dropped this sentence into my mouth. 

Prodigals by definition are not in a good place in their lives, and with their life comes so many complications, bad decisions, heartaches, heartbreaks, needs, strongholds, disappointments, etc.  My prodigal is no different. 

When we know of those times, we pray.  We pray through the circumstances. 

When God lays a burden on our heart, we pray.  We pray until the burden is lifted.

When we are tired of the fight, we pray.  We pray until we are strengthened for the fight.

When we suddenly feel anxious, we pray.  We pray until we have peace. 

Our position is complicated by parent's or grandparent's love.  God puts protection instincts into us, fix-it instincts, because that is what it takes to raise a child, but this can get in the way of the work God is wanting to do in their prodigal life, so we have to find our place of rest. 
     -When God promises, it is done, so rest.
     -God is working, so rest.
     -God is answering your prayers, so rest.
     -When circumstances are hard, remember that CIRCUMSTANCES DO NOT CHANGE THE PROMISE, so rest.
Trust God.  Rest.

We are walking in the victory won on the cross, the victory promised in God's true Word, and the victory that He has promised us personally.

Trust God.  Rest.

I am walking in victory while praying through the circumstances. 

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